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Friday, December 31, 2010

My life in -------> 2010

From tomorrow morning..........12.00 A.M......the new year begins..... yet another new beginning... that led me to a bright future.....:).... in this new year 2011 i miss my old friends who r all with me for these past 3 years....
from here..... i have to travel a new path... new friends....new..... new... every thing is new to me.......:)
In the past year 2010 there r many situations.... that made me terrible... but if i think about it....now... it all a good experience to my future life.... :). I am not at all forced to a terrible situation in this year...:). I have learned many things....in this.. year....which deals with relationships. Actually after my college in KEC i got a seat in IRTT.. which was also a very good thing... in my life....i thing that as my turning point in my life.......:). This turning point was lead by my dearest friend. At any point in my life i won't forget my friend..... knowingly or unknowingly my friend helped me a lot. This year 20........10 has lot to say.....many treats... many tears.....many friendships.....but few good relations....Forgot to say many fights....i won't like fighting with friends..but... in 2010 i did it.... for a valid reason...you know even thinking about past is also a good feel....:)..many movies.... many...dramas.....In 2010 new year.... i have been with my friend enjoying a lot.. making fun...golden year...with diamonds in it had came to an end....i miss u  twenty 10........i am with u till u last min....pls give me all that u have given in past to my future....by filtering all the bad's...........with feelings bye bye 2010.................    

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010


Pressure makes a man to work hard................but................it makes the mind........TERRIBLE....
how to solve it... ?
          """""""""" USE----> IT     DON'T----> FEEL IT"''''''''''''''''''

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Follow.... This..... :)

Analyze a person's character....
learn their inner mind.....
once the chance comes u have to grab it ......
and get in to their mind....make them feel comfortable...
One thing keep in mind don't try to dominate
that's it....... u got a "GOOD FRIEND"
caution:Don't Fall in "Love"...(then u have to do a lot to make them happy....)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

wenesday dec/8/2010

Think u r self every moment """"" WE R BORN TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY"'''''''
If u think...... as i said..... I am sure that u will also be "HAPPY"..FOREVER.... :)