In every MAN'S life there will a be Special GIRL.At the beginning... Guy's can't find the meaning of that special.... It sounds good to say that girl as a Friend..... :) But at some point in LIFE we ill feel.. THE SPECIALNESS of the girl...and that specialness makes us closer... :) That closeness makes each of them to know abt the both.. and that leads to LOVE :) This all just not happen in one day..... What is that "SPECIALNESS".............. it may be illusion but not... according to me it's an intuition for the future...when more girls speaking wit u... u ill feel comfortable wit few...One day all of a sudden u ill feel the specialness at that instance... there may be a slight hesitation wit the behavior... we can't just be normal... there may be a stuck in our thoughts...and that is the time... we think that girl as a special one... once we fix it.... then thats it....ava yethu senjalum special thaan.....:).. oru ponna speciala nenaikara pasaga romba athigam but oru paiyana speciala nenaikara ponuga romba kami.... : (
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The month OCTOBER....." It's not a rainy month this year...".. u know... it's not quite obviously suits me... because.... this month... OCTOBER...IS full of rain drops in my heart.... " it's a cool month for my heart"..... many expected things.. didn't happen....BUT unexpectedly it happens.... :) these 13 days.... lots of appreciations...and very few down times......but personally it's a fabulous.. month...after a long time i feel very happy in these days.... u know y... " I AM NOT LOST " i realized it...Most of times we FEEL very LONELY without.....our dear one...............Today...I realized it.... and felt it.....All of a sudden it VANISHED.....U know...y...??? For a moment the dear one is wit me.... and saying bye bye wit a laughing sign......:) wow... this is what... LIFE... gives US
Monday, July 25, 2011
Acting,Acting,.......LIFE is a Drama
What is there in being good... life is just an acting process... i hate being acting..:@ if v show our real character that's the real...... all other r fake... people in life mostly like fake... because they too r fake....once any person realized u r real character that's the real relationship...don't leave the person until u r last breath...because they will be wit u till the last breath..that 's what the relation ship mean.." HOW MANY DAYS I CAN ACT" what will the world do if they realized me... i can say.. it will keep me as a "PEARL in the shell" that what i meant.. to born.. i am the real hero for this world.. wit out me there is no world... no things is too much in this world.... v r the creators of the world... "IF V WON"T DO IT WHO ELSE WILL DO IT".. life i one.... don't care abt any one.. u just do what ever u want..if any one suggest just make them to feel acting so and so v forgot our freedom.. to live... stop acting.. and do it what u wish be unique... and let every one to be unique...u know y i am blabbering like this nu... :) this is me.. i want my friend to be good.. that's me... u know one thing here after i am not going to act any more.... just... real time... that's it....:@ world is full of characters.. it's hard to control... being real.. even though let me try it..:)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
No one is proper... in this world...even improper will be proper..... some days.... :D
FuNnY LiFe ...
Every person's Heart is just long for an Small encouragement .... from a special person....:) if they get it "THE WORLD IS HEAVEN"
Being a "GOOD"-----> Life teaches how to be "BAD"
Stupid Brain stops Needed situations...have to practice to make it work at needed situations...
It really... a heart-->cracking situation when u hide u r true "LOVE"---> to make the relationship to last longer...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
MY FACEBOOk "BEST" Status.......>>>>>> :)
"LOVE" makes "LIFE" Miserable but "LOVER" makes "LIFE" pleasurable....:)
Everyone says Love makes life "BEAUTIFUL" but really Love makes life"POSSIBLE"
yen immaigal moodum poodhum... un mugam paarkiren...:)
Love is like a "JACK FRUIT".... it was a quite spinee to handle... but sweeter when it goes deeper.....:) add u r honey_thoughts to make it even sweeter... :)
Nothing greater than "LOVE" in "LIFE" but there is a accessories...."MONEY" if we have that..... let's make our loved one more comfortable....
Thursday, June 30, 2011
wow.... today a fine day in my life.... the things happened today is pretty ordinary... as like every day... but i have figured out some thing ... from this day.....and at the end of the day.... i thought adt it .... i " GOT IT ".... for example if we on to an movie.... our conscious.. will be in that for a while.... like that.. only.... for every day u will realize.. something.. even that may me a person,a character,feelings...but once u realize THAT'S IT... u r THE ONE......... realize every thing in u r life IT'S really.. take u to a perfect person in every form of life.......that's it.... realize every moment and everybody and everything...... then u r REAL
Monday, May 30, 2011
Nature-------"THE HEVEN"
In this may..... an i have got an wonderful opportunity to go for a "Nature Camp"... what.... !!!! a places heaven is in this world.... we r not recognizing it..... i thought it will be commercial..... rather than camp.... but i went there... all my thoughts and thinking were busted off... the Whole camp was lead by Prof.P.Kandhasamy, who made us a real human being after the camp.. :) really i am proud to be a part of his camp.... don't miss the nature's love... "If U love nature------> it will LOVE u too" continued....
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Something have changed ..... in Me
1.Got a name " irregular" in college..
2.Feeling that every one is temporary in my life
3.Hard to believe everyone..
4.Likes to stay alone.
5.Hate mobile phones..
6.Being like to have beer more often...
totally..... I am lost.....................
" Dreaming is easy..... but hard to forgot those real dreams..."
ya....... don't keep more "Love" on anybody....... once it's hurts it will hurt more often even if it is not there to hurt u.... :)...... dono how to get back to normal....... :(
Sunday, February 6, 2011
உன் நினைவு
உன்னை மறந்து விடுகிறேன்........... :)
உன்னை மறந்து விடுகிறேன்........... :)
In this world nothing is written to us... all that are meant for us to enjoy..... :) :)
some moments in our life r ever forgot-able....:) i too experienced such a moments.. like that...those moments r very touchable in our life we can't redo it even if we think to do it... :) that will happen naturally.... :) how to describe it..... let me share what did i feel........
- Hours will turns into seconds
- U will feel u and u r better half r alone in this whole world
- Even u will see u r enemy as u r friend
- Friends as u r enemy
- Eyes will not listen to u r brain...
- Even u r 6'th sense will not work
இரவுதோறும் வரும்
பகல் கனவு நீ!........... :)
பகல் கனவு நீ!........... :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
நெஞ்சம் திண்டாடுதே.........( A broken HEART )

do u one thing...... (urin oru thuli......... micham ullathee.... un perai solliyee sindhi... vittathee...) but love makes life beautiful......lovers may fail but a true love doesn't fall untill the true loved one fall.... just think of persons .... many personalities one will care for us..... but we will care for some other....but if both coincide that is..." the person we r caring a lot is caring a lot for us " imagine how beautiful the life is......:)
""""""""BE TRUE """"""'""
"""""""I AM TRUE"""""""
k....k.... blabbering a lot.... yellam polambal thaan........ :) LOVE --------->"U TOO WILL JOIN ME"
நெஞ்சம் திண்டாடுதே.........( A broken HEART )
Ava yen Anjala da machi........ she my anjalada.........
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
நெஞ்சம் திண்டாடுதே.........( A broken HEART )
How to start........ ?... hmm.. ya...actually i dono how to love, when to love, and who to love..... first of all i dono what is love whether it deals with physical things or some thing related to mind or soal .....but i first of all say about my character i am a... what to say... hmm.... i will be good to every one who r good to me.... i don't like to be alone... i will keep every one happy.. who r wit me... i don't worry about pasts... but i will think abt the future a lot.....i want to enjoy every thing in my life... :) thats all abt me.... :)
"காட்டுச்சிறுக்கி காட்டுச்சிறுக்கி யார் காட்டுச்சிறுக்கி இவ........"
Ok let me come to the point...actually i did't see her in the first day of our college.... :) u know actually she was in 2nd bench of the left row and i was in the last bench of the row next to her...:).. at that time i don't even see at her.. or talk to her...but i can say one thing..she is most BEAUTIFUL girl in my life till now....... Beautiful in the sense it means both physical and character wise....she is very Bold u know.... i like her boldness alot......her chance....:) u know if there is a girl looking good in class means....our Boys will not be quite.. the same happened here.... at that i will feel very uncomfortable with those boys... but they will say something stupid reasons for that... :| i have such kind of persons who r spoiling others happiness... then at that time i just started messaging her...:) u know she is very talkative... and open messaging her i became a friend of her..... just friends.. :)but now she is every where in my blood.... i can't leave her thoughts...
away from me... i miss her a lot.....:( u know the pain of being alone...and thinking of loved one..:(
sry...just feelings.... that time i used to see her during the class... for few times...a day :).
it making me very uncomfortable..i will cont this in the next post....
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